Yuan Hsiao
Selected Publications
Consulting and Engagement
Note: * Indicates equal contribution
Hsiao, Yuan*, John Leverso* and Andrew Papachristos. 2023. “The Corner, the Crew, and the Digital Street: Multiplex networks of gang online-offline conflict dynamics in the digital age.” American Sociological Review 88(4): 709-741
Hsiao, Yuan. 2021. “Evaluating the Mobilization Effect of Online Political Network Structures: A Comparison between the Black Lives Matter Network and Ideal Type Network Configurations.” Social Forces 99(4): 1547-1574.
Hsiao, Yuan. 2022. “Network Diffusion of competing behavior.” Journal of Computational Social Science 1-14.
Becker, Sascha*, Yuan Hsiao*, Steven Pfaff* and Jared Rubin*. 2020. “Multiplex Network Ties and the Spatial Diffusion of Radical Innovations: Martin Luther’s Leadership in the Early Reformation.” American Sociological Review 85(5): 857-894.
Hsiao, Yuan and Matthew Hindman. Forthcoming “Network Agenda Setting, or Networked Framing?: (non)Correspondence between User and Right-Wing Media Semantic Networks on YouTube.” Communication Research
Hsiao, Yuan, Lee Fiorio, Jon Wakefield and Emilio Zagheni. 2024. “Modeling the Bias of Digital Data: An Approach to Combining Digital With Official Statistics to Estimate and Predict Migration Trends” Sociological Methods and Research 53 (4), 1905-1943.